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  • Writer's picturechinmay kumar Dwibedi

Tiny bugs and giant dreams: Lab doors are soon open! :)

I am thrilled to officially announce that I will be joining the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden- MiMS [Swedish node of the Nordic EMBL partnership for Molecular Medicine] through the Department of Clinical Microbiology at Umeå University starting on September 1st, 2024! I am incredibly excited and grateful for this opportunity. This new position is funded through the Data driven Life Sciences [DDLS] program, where I will also be serving as a fellow in Epidemiology and Biology of Infection.

As we start building the team, recruitments will soon begin for PhD students and Postdocs. Master's thesis students and/or exchange students are also very welcome to get in touch!

If you have experience in microbial genomics and/or human gut microbiome research, stay tuned! The lab will primarily focus on computational work involving large-scale sequence data analysis. However, depending on the outcome of some ongoing grant applications, we also plan to incorporate wet lab work in the near future. Keep an eye on this space for more updates!


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